Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving 2011

Lately I have been reading a lot of people status on Facebook is things they are thankful for and it has gotten me thinking on what am I truly thankful for in my life.

As I thought about this I realized that it's easy to say the basic things such as family, friends, job etc but I really wanted to think about this. So below is a list of some of the things I am thankful for.

1. The Gospel in my life. No matter how crazy or hectic my life gets at times I always know where I can turn for peace and for answers.

2. Scriptures & the answers they provide. When I feel lost I always seem to find my way back through the scriptures.

3. Prayer: For me this is something I can neglect and take for granted as well, but I think what keeps me going at times is the fact that I know my prayers have been answered. It's those prayers that give me strength when I feel like questioning things in my life. I can look back and say "I know this is true" or "I know this is where I'm supposed to be because I received an answer to my prayer."

4. Family relationships: For better or worse they make us who we are but we also earn so much from them. I have been so lucky to have the opportunity to get to know my sister-in-law Melissa so well this past year. She is so freaking funny and resourceful and smart. I can honestly say she is one of my friends not just my sister in law.

5. I'm thankful for how beautiful Seattle is. I see the hand of my Heavenly Father on my drive to work everyday and I love it.

6. I'm soooooo thankful for my friends. This year I have realized how I was not a very good friend to them because I let other things take priority. But they were always there for me. I always get a call or a text from a friend on rough days when it would be so much easier to give up and say screw it. They call or text with exactly what I need to hear to keep going.

7. I'm thankful for books. I love them so much! I am sometimes amazed that I am enjoying a book because Heavenly Father has blessed someone with that amazing talent of writing.

8. I'm thankful to have had the blessing to serve a mission. This year I have been getting in touch with families from my mission and no matter how much time has passed by I love them just as much as when I had to opportunity to serve them.

9. I'm thankful for my talent of creativity. I'm not saying I am so artistic or anything by any means. I have always enjoyed decorating and building and I have had the opportunity to do so this year.

10. My job. I didn't always feel that way. There were times when things would get frustrating mainly because of miscommunication or mismanagement but my boss has a good heart. He cares for the employees and is always willing to help them and me. Without me asking he paid for my tuition for school.

11. Education: Being back at school has been a great and humbling experience as well. I am very excited to be able to learn but mainly I look forward to being able to be a contribution to my community when I'm finished.

12. I'm thankful for the Atonement. I think we all realize how imperfect we are and sometimes that can be a little overwhelming and discouraging but I am thankful for the sacrifice my Savior did for me. The knowledge that I can repent and start fresh gives me so much hope.

Well these are a few of the things I am thankful for this year. I hope everyone had an amazing holiday with family and friends.

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