Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer Fun

So I was telling a friend how even though I've been here 4 months I still feel like Seattle is not my home yet. I feel like I'm on an extended vacation. Perfect example would be yesterday. The weather here in Seattle was AMAZING!! Monico & Melissa had tickets to a Yankees Game :0) So I walked around and enjoyed the wonderful energy of the city and the people and then met Melissa before the game.

FYI: For any of you who are looking for an inexpensive thing to do with your friends try meeting them for "Happy Hour". I always thought that Happy Hour included just drink but you can actually get some really yummy food in the range of $2-5. Melissa and I met at Tap House in Downtown and had some very yummy suhi and each roll was $2.95. Perfect for people who still want to enjoy going out but are on a tight budget.

I realized that the reason I feel like I'm still on vacation is because well I would only see my family on vacation before. I worked long hours and traveled a lot. And unfortunately even when I was with them I was still thinking of work or working. Although the work situation is not going as well as I would like Im glad to be here. I know this is where the Lord wants me to be and yesterday was just another confirmation of it. Who would've thought that I would have figured that out at a Yankees game on a VERY HOT summer day.

In my last job I spoke with a CAPT who is a Purple Heart recepient and asked him about his experience as he was getting ready to leave the service and he said " I don't want to look 20yrs from now and realize I have missed out on my daughters milestones and realize that my wife is a complete stranger to me. I know I will be replaced by someone else, and work will go on without me but I can't be replaced in my family." I feel that way right now. I have been replaced in my old job by a very capable man who does a great job, but I sure am enjoying making memories with my family right now, I hope you are too :0)


Yankees 3 Mariners 1..... GO YANKEES!!!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Road Trips & Great Friends

My friend Jessica came from Monterey to visit me in Seattle. We had all prepared for the visit but to be honest EVERYTHING went so NOT according to plan.It seemed that every time we planned something we got an obstacle to prevent us from doing things according to plan. But Jessica being the awesome girl that she is, just went with it. So on Saturday Melissa, Monico, Jessica and I rented a car and went on a road trip to the great metropolis cities of Washington; Forks and Port Angeles haha. We played the "Twilight Trivia" they had on this menu in a Cafe in Fork and yeah we didn't get any answers right haha. I guess we are just crazy enough to make the drive but that's it.

Ok so they are not exactly great cities but we had tons of fun on the drive.
We also headed up to Rainer and did a day trip at the lake and hung out at the cabin. The water was FREEZZING!!! Jessica was brave enought to go waist deep and I just got my feet wet. It was so good to see an old friend,so here are a few pictures of this weekend.