Friday, February 25, 2011

A week of First

One of the things I am really enjoying about living in Washington is having four season in the year. This year Seattle has had snow which from what locals say doesn't happen every year.

Yesterday I shoveled snow for the first time. I was excited at first but then I just kept thinking "How do people in the East Coast do this every Winter?" I am perfectly OK with not having to shovel snow again :-) Its like eating snails. You want to try them just for the experience but are not planning on adding them to your weekly meal plans.

Today was another first for me, my car door was frozen shut! I went out to try to get into my car and could not open that door for the life of me. Melissa tried to help but that sucker would not budge. She told me not to pour water because it would only make it worse. Did I listen? Of course not. I got some warm water and poured it over the door only to see the water freeze immediately. It was not the smartest move but it was AWESOME :-)

I hope these are all the adventures I have with Winter this year. I am very much looking forward to Spring and Summer.

1 comment:

  1. Next time I'm going to tell you not to lick the car and then have my camera ready to capture the magic! Haha
