Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Well it is 1 am and I can't seem to fall asleep. I figured I would post my Thanksgiving post early since for the past few weeks I've been thinking about what I'm thankful for. This year has been a year of changes in my life. I have moved to a new city that I am madly in love with. I have a completely new and different job that I am enjoying.

So in the past few weeks I have been thinking about what things in my life am I really grateful for and I was surprised at things I have on my list.

1.I am thankful for the gospel in my life, for the peace that it brings to my life. Although things may not be going well or I may feel lost or alone I know I have a Father in heaven that loves me and knows me by name. I am so thankful for the Renton Spanish Branch. They have been so kind to me since I moved and I really feel that I am loved but mostly that I am part of the branch. It's an amazing feeling.

2. I am also thankful to have work because I know that unfortunately not everyone can say that at this time. What I have enjoyed most about my new job is how I am getting to enjoy my life now. Although I loved my old job and I adored my old boss I don't regret the decision I made to move.

3. I am very thankful for my family. Not that I don't love all my family but this year I am so thankful for Monico & Melissa. So here's my personal note to them this Thanksgiving. I wish I had eloquent words to express what you mean to me but even if I did it would not do you justice. I'm so thankful the Lord has thought enough of me to put you in my life. I'm thankful to feel part of something again. Melissa this year has brought so many changes in the dynamics of my life but I want to thank you for being my friend when I have needed one. For being such an awesome tour guide. For letting me enjoy the little things in life such as watching chick flicks, having a sushi buddy, and book bud as well (Although I might say you are my enabler there). Toto, oh where do I start you have always been someone I look up to. I am so proud of you and all your many achievements. Thank you for making me laugh and for being a man I can look up to. Thank you for allowing me to be my self but yet pushing me to be better. I love you guys and thank you for letting me be part of your life.

4-6. This following one is a bit of a combo. I am thankful for my sight. It's because of it that I have been able to enjoy one of my very favorite pass times which is reading. So I am thankful for books, they make me so happy! And finally because of my sight I am able to enjoy the beautiful State of WA. I'm in awe every morning as I drive to work because I get to see the beautiful Fall colors. I get to drive by Lake Washington every day. I love the drive to Mt. Rainer, to Forks, and the Olympics. The views never get old. I don't know but I can't help but feel closer to my Heavenly Father every time I see His hand in creation.

May you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and may we have a thankful heart all throughout the year. I hope that I may notice the little things in my life and express my gratitude for them as well as express my love for all the people in my life that make me who I am. Happy Thanksgiving

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